Apps and Tools
Discord Bot
Currently limited to the VerseGuide Discord Server.

Over on Discord a team is working on a bot that can not only help you find a route to any location on a moon or planet, but also tell you details about specific ships and vehicles in game, gives you the best refinery locations for any given mineral, and much more.

We are planning to open the bot up so you can use it on your very own Discord server.
Source code and installation files available on

This open-source project is our attempt integrate VerseGuide directly into Star Citizen. We are still working on the very basics. Our initial goal is to provide accurate time-of-day (sunrise and sunset) data for any given location on a moon or planet.

The overlay is based on an Electron app that inject overlay elements via DirectX upon launch, similar to Discord. Detailed installation instructions are available under
Under development.

There is so much more you can do with the VerseGuide database, but the development of apps is extremely time consuming. That's why we are working on an open API so other projects can make use of our data.

The first two APIs will be a 'location search' and 'route calculator'.
© 2953 by VerseGuide — This is an unofficial Star Citizen fansite, not affiliated with the Cloud Imperium group of companies. All content on this site not authored by its host or users are property of their respective owners.